January to December 2023
Climate change continues to affect indigenous and other vulnerable communities in Tanzania; however, adequate tools and mechanisms for regular climate change vulnerability assessments, awareness raising, and adaptation have yet to be developed and implemented. Economies based in traditional ecosystems are highly dependent on natural resources, meaning that recurring climate change patterns such as recurrent droughts, erratic rainfall patterns and floods will continue to negatively impact livelihoods and community assets.
This project aims to develop a locally appropriate Climate Change Adaptation Toolkit (CCA Toolkit), which is also compliant with the Toolkit for Ecosystem Service Site-based Assessment “TESSA Toolkit” for worldwide assessment and adaptation. This will enable TEST to establish a baseline for climate change vulnerability assessments, awareness raising and adaptation as part of a future funded project on “Resilience to Climate Change”. The project aims to build the capacity of Maasai communities and stakeholders in Loliondo Division and Sale Division of Ngorongoro District. It will also facilitate the adoption and application of the assessment in other divisions.
This project is funded by an Australian Volunteers International Impact Grant.
P. O. Box 2268, Arusha, Tanzania